We must stop the infighting to retain buyers

To maintain its position as a global leader in the garment industry, Bangladesh must prioritise unity and stability.

2w ago

It’s time to look forward with our fashion partners

We need to look at what the business community needs from our state and non-state institutions.

1m ago

How our RMG industry empowered women

The RMG industry has provided lakhs of women, with their first formal employment opportunities.

2m ago

Opinion / Bangladesh on the renewable energy race track

A country’s energy mix may even one day override all other issues given the climate crisis we face.

2m ago

Why are gas prices so volatile?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 had significant implications for the global gas supply chain, and caused what many termed a gas crisis. The reduction in supply led to a dramatic rise in gas prices globally. .Indeed, gas prices in Europe reached unprecedented levels, impacting ene

3m ago

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

3m ago

SBTi debate has major implications for RMG suppliers

The carbon offsetting schemes that have been discredited in the past could be improved

3m ago

How fashion is future-proofing by investing in technology

Are fashion brands becoming more than retailers of clothing?

4m ago

New due diligence laws: Is Bangladesh ready?

Around the world, the issue of human rights due diligence in global supply chains is rapidly rising up the agenda. But what does this mean and how will it impact garment manufacturers in Bangladesh?

3y ago

We need safety net for garment workers

After all the talk of “bouncing back better” in our industry during the past 18-months, we are still failing the people who make our clothes.

3y ago

Our apparel sector needs more female leaders

In Bangladesh, we are missing a trick by failing to capitalise on a resource which could super-charge our RMG industry into a bold new era. What resource? Female leaders and executives. Look at the world’s most successful economies and you will find that one of the most defining features is the prevalence of females in positions of leadership and management. This rule also applies for the world’s top businesses.

3y ago

Collaboration is essential to solve the apparel industry’s challenges

The RMG industry’s challenges are too big to solve at the individual level.

3y ago

We need to lead, not follow, in the digital age

We make clothing in Bangladesh, and we do it exceedingly well. But how good are we at marketing and selling this clothing?

3y ago

It’s time to talk about cotton

Cotton is the lifeblood of the Bangladesh RMG industry, with our country among the world’s four largest users of this miracle fibre. The other three are China, India and Pakistan, the latter two of which also have large home textile markets.

3y ago

Apparel industry needs a clearer strategy for donor funding

Inter-national donors have played a key role in the development of the Bangladesh economy in recent years. Many global donors have huge purse strings and are often able to fund projects that otherwise might not get off the ground.

3y ago

Our industry is digitising rapidly, are we ready?

We all knew the global pandemic would change the business world in some way but, until recently, it has been difficult to pinpoint precisely how. For many of us, the past 16 months have been a fight to remain competitive above all else. Indeed, for some, it has been a fight for survival.

3y ago

We need new ways to measure business success

What makes a successful year for a business? The traditional way we define business success is through financials. With public companies, each quarter we receive an update, as well as an annual update. This tells us about revenues and profits as well as dividends payable to shareholders.

3y ago

Let’s all pull together on apparel industry safety

Bangladesh apparel industry stands at a critical juncture. The industry has achieved significant improvements in safety and is making steady strides in sustainability.

3y ago