We must stop the infighting to retain buyers

To maintain its position as a global leader in the garment industry, Bangladesh must prioritise unity and stability.

2w ago

It’s time to look forward with our fashion partners

We need to look at what the business community needs from our state and non-state institutions.

1m ago

How our RMG industry empowered women

The RMG industry has provided lakhs of women, with their first formal employment opportunities.

2m ago

Opinion / Bangladesh on the renewable energy race track

A country’s energy mix may even one day override all other issues given the climate crisis we face.

2m ago

Why are gas prices so volatile?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 had significant implications for the global gas supply chain, and caused what many termed a gas crisis. The reduction in supply led to a dramatic rise in gas prices globally. .Indeed, gas prices in Europe reached unprecedented levels, impacting ene

3m ago

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

3m ago

SBTi debate has major implications for RMG suppliers

The carbon offsetting schemes that have been discredited in the past could be improved

3m ago

How fashion is future-proofing by investing in technology

Are fashion brands becoming more than retailers of clothing?

4m ago

‘Bouncing back better’ will come at a price

It has been around one year since the coronavirus pandemic began to bring about sweeping changes in our industry.

3y ago

Apparel suppliers must do due diligence on ailing brands

As we all know, the past 12 months have seen many apparel retailers go bust, leaving a trail of financial destruction in their wake.

3y ago

Amid industry upheaval, Bangladesh is a safe pair of hands

High streets around the world are changing rapidly. The coronavirus pandemic has led to a great many store closures and seen more and more businesses shift online in our major export markets.

3y ago

Western dealmakers shouldn’t forget about Bangladeshi apparel suppliers

Who is thinking of the manufacturers? Who is considering the garment workers?

3y ago

Pursuing climate action in the Bangladesh apparel industry

Many of us will have heard the story of the boiled frog. Legend has it that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will instantly leap out. But if you put it in a pot filled with pleasantly tepid water and gradually heat it, the frog will remain in the water until it boils to death.

3y ago

Key sustainability issues for 2021

Issues around sustainability come and go, but some topics will remain as important now as they were before the current global pandemic began.

3y ago

Distant climate actions are dooming global apparel industry

We are hearing a lot of businesses and brands make pledges about the climate at present. Along with pledges to cut climate emissions, there is talk of cutting water use, chemical use, and addressing a range of other supply chain issues. The overall goal is to improve sustainability.

3y ago

Sustainability marketing needs to up its game

How do we as consumers make the right purchasing decisions? Most of us these days wish to buy products and services with a reduced environmental footprint.

3y ago

Is there an alternative to fast fashion?

At present, the RMG industry in Bangladesh employs around four million people, a large majority of them women with dependent families.

3y ago

Lopsided nature of global fashion industry and why change is needed

The global apparel industry is broken and only urgent, drastic surgery can fix it. I am not talking about another initiative or another public relations exercise. I am talking about deep, systemic change to be agreed by all involved—by brands, by suppliers, governments, unions and NGOs.

3y ago