Lifestyle Evolutions

Lifestyle Evolutions

lifestyle files / Realities of a virtual world

For better or for worse, our everyday lives have changed forever. Our lives are now seemingly wrapped by giant leaps in technology that takes us closer to a science fiction prophesy.

4y ago

Apps to ease your lifestyle

The new technology age, if shaped in a responsive and responsible way, could catalyse a new cultural renaissance that will enable us to feel part of something much larger than ourselves — a true global civilisation.

4y ago

Facebook and commerce: the unforeseen boom

One of the advantages of the site to the Bangladeshi masses has been its unexpected commercial potential, connecting buyers and sellers on a quick and personal level instantaneously.

4y ago

The Internet: Transforming every lifestyle

The Internet has completely rewritten our way of life, revolutionising the concept of communication, and by extension, the entirety of society, to a point where that it is just about our only preferred method of communication.

4y ago

Vanishing boundaries of digital privacy

Your only recollection is that a few days ago, you had exchanged a text with your friend about getting together for a quick morning chat. From that single exchange of information, the ever-helpful and always-listening ubiquitous virtual assistant has set up a new routine, without giving away much to let you know of the steps it has taken.

4y ago


The world’s first data privacy statute was passed in Hesse (a German “lander” or state) in 1970; the United States followed suit shortly thereafter when it included privacy protections in the Fair Credit Reporting Act in 1971.

4y ago

Start-ups: By the young and the brave

Shiny leather bags stacked on storage racks, waiting to be exported thousands of miles across the seas; that’s perhaps an everyday scenario for Taslima Miji, someone who had a very humble beginning with her start-up, Gootipa.

4y ago

A game of investments and start-ups

Fasten your seatbelt and embrace the process. Be optimistic and have fun with it. Remember, you will never fail – you will either succeed or learn.

4y ago

The local adventurer’s beginner list

The most obvious location for adventure tourism in Bangladesh is the wild hilly region in Chattogram.

4y ago

Through the Traveller’s Eyes: Adventure in Bangladesh

One chilly winter night nearly 20 years ago, a group of young men carefully herded a bunch of young children over dark dirt roads in a remote-ish village.

4y ago
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