The government plans to bring down inflation to 4-5 percent, Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Ahsan H Mansur said yesterday.
The Bangladesh Bank (BB) has backtracked on its decision to refrain from injecting fresh funds into crisis-hit banks in its efforts to curb persistent inflation.
They sought removal of Nurun Nahar and Habibur Rahman
Banking rules and regulations stipulate a single borrower exposure limit but the banking regulator itself disregarded the rule routinely in the last 16 years.
The central bank must recognise that the existing CIB laws are outdated and ineffective.
Traditional contractionary policies may not be suitable for Bangladesh’s unique economic structure.
The fee will be Tk 20 for payments of up to Tk 25,000 and Tk 50 for up to Tk 50,000
A good bank ensures quality of loans (assets) by selecting the right borrowers, sanctioning loans to various sectors in different sizes, and keeping collateral.
Deposited money is safe in banks, Husnay Ara Shikha says
The Bangladesh Bank has bypassed its own rules by approving the appointment of Mohammad Shah Alam Sarwar as the strategic adviser of IFIC Bank PLC.
The Bangladesh Bank Officers’ Welfare Council will place their demand to the BB governor
Citing BB data, he said there were 16 banks where the NPL ratio exceeded 10 percent and 9 banks where the NPL ratio exceeded 20 percent as of June 2023.
It was “absolutely fake” news, Bangladesh Bank spokesman Mezbaul Haque said today.
All these measures are meant to put the once high-flying economy back on track.
The Bangladesh Bank today scrapped the SMART formula in order to make interest rates in the banking system fully market-based
The Sikder family has apparently lost its grip on National Bank Ltd as Bangladesh Bank has appointed a new board for the country’s first private bank.
Bangladesh Bank has dissolved the board of directors of National Bank Ltd, just five months after restructuring it.
Money deposited by individuals and institutions with banks, which have decided to go for mergers, will remain completely safe and secure, Bangladesh Bank said in a statement yesterday.
Although banks in the country normally face a liquidity shortage due to cash withdrawals ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr each year, a majority of them have sufficient funds on hand this time around thanks to continuous liquidity support from Bangladesh Bank.