Directed by emerging filmmaker Mohin Rakhaine, the short film explores the lifestyle and challenges faced by the Garo community, with dialogue in the Garo A'chik and Bangla languages. Shot in Chengini village, Kolmakanda upazila of Netrokona district, the film stars Garo community actors Subinath Mankhin, Projuta Raksam, Alias Raksam, and others.
Directed by emerging filmmaker Mohin Rakhaine, the short film explores the lifestyle and challenges faced by the Garo community, with dialogue in the Garo A'chik and Bangla languages. Shot in Chengini village, Kolmakanda upazila of Netrokona district, the film stars Garo community actors Subinath Mankhin, Projuta Raksam, Alias Raksam, and others.