BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed

Nusrat died as cops didn’t discharge duties properly: Moudud

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed says that the death of Feni madrasa girl Nusrat occurred as the law enforcers failed to deliver their duties properly.

'It's our last chance'

BNP Standing Committee member Moudud Ahmed says the upcoming parliamentary election is the last chance for the party.

Ruling quarter afraid of Oikyafront: Moudud

The ruling Awami League becomes “crazy” after formation of the Jatiya Oikyafront ahead of the next general election, BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed says.

No need to amend constitution for non-party polls-time govt

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed yesterday said an election-time government like the one in 1991 can be formed without amending the constitution to hold the next general election in a free, fair and inclusive manner.

Govt to be forced to engage in talks: Moudud

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed says once again that the ruling quarter would be forced to engage in dialogue with his party to hold the upcoming general election in a free, fair and inclusive manner.

Reform quota system to restore normalcy in educational institutions: Moudud

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed urges the government to accept the students’ demand for reformation of quota system in civil service in order to bring normalcy in the country's educational institutions.

Inclusive polls not possible without BNP: Moudud

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed says that his party will forge an all-party national unity, forcing the ruling quarter to reach an understanding for holding a participatory general election.

No ‘Khulna-style’ polls to be accepted in Gazipur: BNP

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed terms the Gazipur City Corporation polls as an acid test for both the government and the Election Commission and warns the government of dire consequences if ‘Khulna-style’ election is held there on June 26.

BNP for judicial probe into deaths in anti-drug drive

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed urges the government to form judicial probe commission to try those involved in the “extrajudicial killing” carried in the name of the anti-narcotic drive.

May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017

BNP’s ‘Vision 2030’ a political milestone: Moudud

BNP Standing Committee Member Moudud Ahmed terms his party’s “Vision 2030” as a historical document and says it will be a milestone in the country’s political history.

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