
Sal forest shrinking fast

The Sal forest under Madhupur National Park in Tangail is disappearing at an alarming rate due to unabated tree felling and grabbing of land.

We must abandon our ecocidal mindset

The relentless deforestation happening across Bangladesh persists unchecked

Madhupur Sal Forest: Of deforestation and vanishing wildlife

The Madhupur Sal Forest in Tangail, once teeming with diverse wildlife such as peacocks, wild buffalo, and deer, is now facing a devastating impact from deforestation, food shortages, and poaching.

World Tourism Day / Mountain tourism: Balancing beauty and ecology

Mountain tourism must embrace an eco-friendly and community-centric approach.

#Perspective / Understanding climate change: Causes, effects, and solutions

Climate change is a phenomenon that impacts everyone on earth. Although some might think of climate change as something that will affect us in the future, it is an ongoing process and we are already seeing its effects. Ecosystems and people across the globe are being heavily impacted by it. Ever wondered why the weather has been going haywire recently? Or why more and more of the arctic region is melting away?

International Day of Forests / How forestry projects destroy forests

Though eucalyptus was eradicated from the public forest land, social forestry continues at a very high cost to natural ecosystems.

What's the link between global heating and extreme weather?

Heavy snowfall und subzero temperatures have wreaked havoc on the United States this holiday season. Deutsche Welle takes a closer look at how this and other types of extreme weather link back to climate change.

Conservation science has moved on. We, too, must adapt and change.

The threats resulting from climate warming and loss of nature are no longer theoretical, but a brutal reality.

Cox’s Bazar forests in grave danger

The critical biodiversity areas in Cox’s Bazar -- Teknaf Wildlife Sanctuary, Himchhari National Park and Inani National Park -- face a grave risk of peril due to high level of human interventions following the Rohingya influx, according to two recent studies.

April 12, 2019
April 12, 2019

Owner held for burning trees in brick kiln

Law enforcers arrested a brickfield owner on Wednesday for baking bricks allegedly using forest trees at his kiln in Muktagachha upazila of the district.

March 14, 2019
March 14, 2019

Forests are no one's property to destroy at will

Worrying developments have been reported in the remote forests of Bhola's Manpura Island where trees are being cut down indiscriminately to fuel brick kilns or for other purposes.

November 24, 2018
November 24, 2018

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon reaches decade high

The destruction of Brazil's Amazon rainforest reached its highest level in a decade this year, government data shows, driven by illegal logging and the encroachment of agriculture on the jungle.

November 10, 2018
November 10, 2018

Hazarikhil Wildlife Sanctuary: Plan to build road without clearance

The Roads and Highways Department is razing parts of Hazarikhil Wildlife Sanctuary in Chattogram to build a 12km road without assessing its environmental impact or obtaining permission from the environment ministry.

May 31, 2016
May 31, 2016

Video catches baby elephant rescue in Sri Lanka

A young elephant is rescued from an uncovered drain in Sri Lanka's southern port of Hambantota. The calf appears to have fallen into a drain on the main road leading to the port.

March 28, 2016
March 28, 2016

Criminals busy making it barren

A few gangs are plundering trees from the reserve forest at Gangamati near Kuakata of Patuakhali.

February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016

Bringing the forests back to life

Economic growth has meant many countries of this region have substantial capacity to direct public expenditures for forest restoration should it be made a national priority.

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