dos and don'ts

Things you can do to protect your electronics during a storm

Thunderstorms, lightning, and heavy rainfall can be unpredictable. You never know when thunder will strike close to you and leave you with damages, especially to your electronic devices. They often require safety measures and precautions become more imperative during inclement weather. Here are 3 things you can do to ensure protection for your electronics.

Say no to French Fries? Which foods to eat and to avoid this summer

Beat the summer heat by opting for a diet that keeps you cool and energised. These dietary changes not only help regulate body temperature but also prevent dehydration and bloating, ensuring you stay healthy and refreshed all summer long.

5 habits to avoid for better oral health

With our lives being so busy all the time, it’s easy to overlook the little things that can make a big difference in maintaining a dazzling smile. So, before you brush off your oral care routine as ‘good enough,’ let’s dive into the top five no-no’s that might be doing a number on your teeth.

A day in the life of a social butterfly!

Another winter, another dozen weddings to attend. The pomp and circumstance surrounding a wedding is on steroids these days in Dhaka and you are here for it! Having secured your invitation to the most extravagant ones of the season, your outfits have been sorted, each more extravagant than the last.

Common travel mistakes while making hotel bookings

Making hotel reservations have become easier and yet, people still tend to make mistakes. To avoid this, we spoke to a popular hotel chain employee, who shared her experience about common travel slip-ups they have seen people make again and again, and how avoiding these can expedite standard procedures for them and make it easier for hotels to serve them.

Embracing the minimalist look this summer

The minimal makeup look first came to limelight about 5 years ago and has slowly but surely changed the whole makeup game ever since. Layers of heavy base makeup followed by over-the-top eye makeup and lipstick are a thing of the past now and boy, are we glad! With the summer heat reaching record highs, the barely-there makeup of 2023 is saving us from risking patchy and textured skin while eliminating the need for touch-ups every few hours.

Dos and don’ts of hair colouring

Hair colouring is a popular beauty treatment that has been around for centuries. While it can transform your appearance and make you feel confident and stylish, it also requires care and attention. To ensure your hair colour stays vibrant and healthy, it is important to know the dos and don'ts of hair colouring.

#Perspective / Balancing spirituality and social media in the digital age

Ramadan, the blessed month for Muslims globally, allows us to introspect and break out of habits that do not add any value to our life but rather cause damage. Many people look forward to Ramadan as a golden opportunity to break out of their habit of smoking and live a healthier lifestyle. In this digital age, many of us are addicted to our phones and various social media apps. So, what more of an auspicious time can you have than now to break out of your smartphone addiction?

#Guides / Dos and don’ts of using microwave oven

In this day and age, it’s impossible to find a household without a microwave. From heating meals before eating to even baking your favourite cake, there is more than one way to use a microwave. However, how many of us are actually cautious of the dos and don’ts of using a microwave. Many of us have probably already thrown out the user manual that came with it. So, let’s refresh our memory and take a look at some critical dos and don’ts of using this incredible appliance.

March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023

5 times you should keep your mouth shut at office

Spending a big chunk of the day at work, it is often quite common to have our fair share of foot-in-mouth moments. As natural as these slipups are, they are quite embarrassing nonetheless. So instead of learning the hard way when it's better to just shut up, here are 5 times you should zip it at work.

February 20, 2023
February 20, 2023

6 behaviours to avoid

While there are plenty of tips and tricks one can internalise when it comes to becoming classy, not much has been said about the set of behaviours to avoid if you wish to exude elegance and grace.

December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022

6 furniture mistakes to avoid

Furniture can make or break your home. Which pieces of furniture to buy and the way you set it up can make a room feel spacious and welcoming. There are many designs and colours to choose from and buying furniture can be an expensive and stressful affair. What makes this process more frustrating is when you buy the wrong piece of furniture at a high cost. Instead of having a cosy room, you end up with a cluttered mess that makes you feel claustrophobic. While there are some basic guidelines to follow when you do invest in furniture, here are some common mistakes which we might all make:

November 24, 2022
November 24, 2022

Are you being too nice to people? Be careful about these 10 things

Everyone likes nice people — they are easier to get along with, and it’s all smiles, rainbows, and butterflies around them. Wonderful as it may be for the people they interact with, being too nice can take a toll on them both physically and mentally.

November 19, 2022
November 19, 2022

Common fashion mistakes and how to avoid them

Fashion can be tricky and it can be elusive. There are many it comes naturally to, but for others, there are fumbles along the way, and try as we might, there’s always something either making the look seem outdated, off the discount racks, or just plain boring! Luckily, there are a few simple tips one can follow to look better without changing the wardrobe just by avoiding certain mistakes.

November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022

Winter fashion trends that need to end

If you are a fashion enthusiast, you have already started mentally planning your change in seasonal attire. Fashion naturally evolves quite a bit over time. However, people often have a hard time letting go of their favourite fashion trends. This is why today to talk about some winter trends that, well, have passed their prime. We are not judging your style if you still own or adore any of these outdated winter fashions listed below but you are probably better off without them this season.

October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022

5 things makeup artists warn against

Contrary to popular belief, makeup does not make a person beautiful. All it does is help enhance facial features that the users want highlighted and downplay the ones that makeup users do not wish to draw attention to. As such, it is important that those who enjoy using makeup know what will work on their faces and what will not. Makeup artists have a list of nine things that they want all makeup enthusiasts to know, including tips about how to do it right and most importantly, when to stop.
