Glaring mistakes about July uprising point to falling standards
The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has launched digital versions of its primary and secondary textbooks online. The digital rollout comes as a response to setbacks in the delivery of hard copy books, which are still in the process of being printed and distributed.
It's imperative for schools to foster a culture that encourages students to pursue their dreams while also establishing the necessary support systems to help them achieve their goals.
The government has decided to remove any “exaggerated” historical information or “unnecessary” glorification of any individuals from textbooks for the upcoming academic year, officials of the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) have said.
“Mr Nurul Amin couldn’t realise what bureaucracy had dragged him down to”. Remember how you needed to absolutely memorise this line with context and underlying meaning for answering comprehension-based questions? Well, that was to earn a couple of marks in exams. Turns out, it is also a 101 guide on how to earn a nation back.
Schools must revamp literature education to foster creativity.
The new round of curricular reform and textbook re-writing has given rise to a spate of debate, pointing to different kinds of problems with the new initiative.
It is no wonder how it took Bangladesh nearly half a century before legally acknowledging the Hijra community
Aren’t our students entitled to error-free, quality textbooks?
Glaring mistakes about July uprising point to falling standards
The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has launched digital versions of its primary and secondary textbooks online. The digital rollout comes as a response to setbacks in the delivery of hard copy books, which are still in the process of being printed and distributed.
It's imperative for schools to foster a culture that encourages students to pursue their dreams while also establishing the necessary support systems to help them achieve their goals.
The government has decided to remove any “exaggerated” historical information or “unnecessary” glorification of any individuals from textbooks for the upcoming academic year, officials of the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) have said.
“Mr Nurul Amin couldn’t realise what bureaucracy had dragged him down to”. Remember how you needed to absolutely memorise this line with context and underlying meaning for answering comprehension-based questions? Well, that was to earn a couple of marks in exams. Turns out, it is also a 101 guide on how to earn a nation back.
Schools must revamp literature education to foster creativity.
The new round of curricular reform and textbook re-writing has given rise to a spate of debate, pointing to different kinds of problems with the new initiative.
It is no wonder how it took Bangladesh nearly half a century before legally acknowledging the Hijra community
Aren’t our students entitled to error-free, quality textbooks?
Putting aside the fanfare, the fact that boys are lagging behind girls in most school exams needs to be scrutinised carefully.