press freedom

Let journalists do their job

Persecution by government officials deeply concerning

Assange may be in the dock, but it is journalism that’s on trial

The case against him and WikiLeaks is much more important for what it might entail for press freedom itself.

A blatant disregard for rights treaties

The Digital Security Act must go, before it inflicts further harm

4 books that explore press freedom

Here are four books that explore the stories of journalists, and the issues surrounding press freedom.

Why Press Council is failing to protect press freedom

Media plurality, though essential in all democracies, has sadly become a tool for drowning out independent and critical voices.

World Press Freedom Day / There was a time...

When journalists sought to be biased, but only towards people.

DSA and the quest for an obliged press

A free and independent press is essential for any democratic society, and journalists must be allowed to report on issues of public interest without fear of retaliation or censorship.

No reason for a black law to exist

We support the call of UN rights chief in this regard

May 3, 2016
May 3, 2016

Democracy flourishes where the press works freely

Today, we celebrate World Press Freedom Day. Established by the United Nations, it offers us an opportunity to celebrate the essential role that press freedom plays in democracy.

April 23, 2016
April 23, 2016

Journalist Probir Sikdar appeals for security

Journalist Probir Sikdar has appealed to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to ensure that he does not become a victim of forced

April 21, 2016
April 21, 2016

Bangladesh moves two notches up

Bangladesh has moved two notches up to the 144th place among 180 countries in this year's World Press Freedom Index.

April 20, 2016
April 20, 2016

RSF expresses serious concern over freedom of expression in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has moved two notches up to 144th position among 180 countries in the World Press Freedom Index-2016 prepared by Reporters Sans Frontières. But the Paris-based advocacy group voices serious concern over the state of freedom of expression in Bangladesh.

April 20, 2016
April 20, 2016

Press freedom declined, watchdog says warning of 'new era of propaganda'

World press freedom deteriorated in 2015, especially in the Americas, advocacy group Reporters Without Borders said as it released its annual rankings, warning of "a new era of propaganda".

April 16, 2016
April 16, 2016

Govt sometimes failed to protect press freedom

The Bangladesh government has "sometimes failed" to protect the freedom of speech and media, the US has said in its Country Reports

April 11, 2016
April 11, 2016

HC stays proceedings of 72 cases against Star editor

High Court stays for three months the proceedings of 72 cases against The Daily Star Editor and Publisher Mahfuz Anam. The court also issues a rule upon the authorities concerned to explain as to why the initiation and continuation of the cases should not be declared illegal. The rule is returnable in three weeks, the court says.

February 22, 2016
February 22, 2016

3 more cases filed against Star editor

Three more defamation cases are filed against The Daily Star Editor and Publisher Mahfuz Anam in four districts.

May 4, 2015
May 4, 2015

Expanding media

The media is expanding which points to an increasing diversity and volume of information and visuals. Governments tend to equate rising flow of information with free flow of information. A line needs to be drawn there.

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