Renowned actor Mosharraf Karim has been featured in a short film developed by Jahangirnagar University’s Drama and Dramatics Department. The film is an adaptation of Shahaduzzaman’s celebrated short story “Mohashunnye Cycle”.
Author Shahaduzzaman shared his thoughts on the adaptation: "The story revolves around a character who sees himself as split into two entities. The play delves into the interactions between these two sides of the same person. Inspired by Saif Suman’s vision, I extended the story into a theatrical form."
In the entertainment industry, celebrities often exchange expensive gifts, which are usually commonplace for them. However, this time, a gift truly worthy of being seared into memory was given—a book to a colleague amidst the otherwise glitzy crowd.
Renowned actor Mosharraf Karim has been featured in a short film developed by Jahangirnagar University’s Drama and Dramatics Department. The film is an adaptation of Shahaduzzaman’s celebrated short story “Mohashunnye Cycle”.
Author Shahaduzzaman shared his thoughts on the adaptation: "The story revolves around a character who sees himself as split into two entities. The play delves into the interactions between these two sides of the same person. Inspired by Saif Suman’s vision, I extended the story into a theatrical form."
In the entertainment industry, celebrities often exchange expensive gifts, which are usually commonplace for them. However, this time, a gift truly worthy of being seared into memory was given—a book to a colleague amidst the otherwise glitzy crowd.