The universal pension would be out of reach of the extremely poor, such as day labourers, due to their inability to make contributions.
Social Registry is not compatible to Bangladesh’s life cycle based system.
Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian social reformer who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Malala Yousafzai in 2014, talks to the The Daily Star about the global child rights situation during his visit to Bangladesh on January 14-18.
Bangladesh’s social protection, a key policy instrument in the country, has had a history of innovation evolved around crises
The social protection allocation in the annual budget has consistently increased over the last 14 years. In FY 2008-09, a total of Tk 13,845 crore was allocated for social protection programmes.
In recent decades, social assistance programmes around the world have been strengthened to the point that they now benefit more than 2.5 billion people, usually the poorest and most vulnerable.
First, social protection programmes designed to offer protection (for example, from hunger), fail to offer the ladder (for example, jobs or livelihood) to climb out of extreme poverty. Second, it doesn't recognise that the ultra poor require additional guidance.
Though there are many views on 'inclusive growth', the key consensus is that inclusive growth is a growth process which reduces poverty, inequality and social exclusion and promotes 'decent' jobs and economic and social cohesion.
The universal pension would be out of reach of the extremely poor, such as day labourers, due to their inability to make contributions.
Social Registry is not compatible to Bangladesh’s life cycle based system.
Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian social reformer who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Malala Yousafzai in 2014, talks to the The Daily Star about the global child rights situation during his visit to Bangladesh on January 14-18.
Bangladesh’s social protection, a key policy instrument in the country, has had a history of innovation evolved around crises
The social protection allocation in the annual budget has consistently increased over the last 14 years. In FY 2008-09, a total of Tk 13,845 crore was allocated for social protection programmes.
In recent decades, social assistance programmes around the world have been strengthened to the point that they now benefit more than 2.5 billion people, usually the poorest and most vulnerable.
First, social protection programmes designed to offer protection (for example, from hunger), fail to offer the ladder (for example, jobs or livelihood) to climb out of extreme poverty. Second, it doesn't recognise that the ultra poor require additional guidance.
Though there are many views on 'inclusive growth', the key consensus is that inclusive growth is a growth process which reduces poverty, inequality and social exclusion and promotes 'decent' jobs and economic and social cohesion.