Half a century has passed since the release of the critically acclaimed Bengali film "Ashani Sanket" (Distant Thunder), directed by the legendary Satyajit Ray. This landmark film, released in 1973, continues to captivate audiences with its timeless exploration of the human condition, transcending its historical context to resonate with modern-day socio-economic challenges.
Bob Dubey, Mayor of Richardson city in USA’s Texas has declared August 5 as “Babita” Day at an award-giving ceremony today, where the iconic actress Babita received a lifetime honour in recognition of her illustrious cinematic career. The award ceremony took place during the Dallas Bangla Film Festival, which kicked off with a screening of Babita’s acclaimed film, "Noyonmoni".
When asked further about her plans today, she said, “The day is only starting here. My son will surprise me today, to make the day memorable”.
The upcoming January 23 will be celebrated as the 81st birthday of the Nayak Raj, Razzak. Celebrating the occasion, channel i plans to feature a three-day long event, airing the legend’s famed films and works. The programme will begin from tomorrow and continue till January 24.
The contributions of noted filmmaker, Amzad Hossain, to the Bangladeshi film industry is manifold. “Noyon Moni”, “Golapi Ekhon Traine”, “Dui Poishar Alta”, “Bhaat De”, “Jonmo Theke Jolchhi” and “Shundori” are some of the remarkable films that he has created over his career.
Celebrated film actress, Babita observed her birthday yesterday, on July 30, with her son Anik in Canada. Babita happily shared her feelings on her birthday, over the phone, with The Daily Star.
Bangladeshi film legend Babita is going to receive the prestigious Tele Cine Awards on June 2 in Kolkata. The veteran actor is leaving for
Half a century has passed since the release of the critically acclaimed Bengali film "Ashani Sanket" (Distant Thunder), directed by the legendary Satyajit Ray. This landmark film, released in 1973, continues to captivate audiences with its timeless exploration of the human condition, transcending its historical context to resonate with modern-day socio-economic challenges.
Bob Dubey, Mayor of Richardson city in USA’s Texas has declared August 5 as “Babita” Day at an award-giving ceremony today, where the iconic actress Babita received a lifetime honour in recognition of her illustrious cinematic career. The award ceremony took place during the Dallas Bangla Film Festival, which kicked off with a screening of Babita’s acclaimed film, "Noyonmoni".
When asked further about her plans today, she said, “The day is only starting here. My son will surprise me today, to make the day memorable”.
The upcoming January 23 will be celebrated as the 81st birthday of the Nayak Raj, Razzak. Celebrating the occasion, channel i plans to feature a three-day long event, airing the legend’s famed films and works. The programme will begin from tomorrow and continue till January 24.
The contributions of noted filmmaker, Amzad Hossain, to the Bangladeshi film industry is manifold. “Noyon Moni”, “Golapi Ekhon Traine”, “Dui Poishar Alta”, “Bhaat De”, “Jonmo Theke Jolchhi” and “Shundori” are some of the remarkable films that he has created over his career.
Celebrated film actress, Babita observed her birthday yesterday, on July 30, with her son Anik in Canada. Babita happily shared her feelings on her birthday, over the phone, with The Daily Star.
Bangladeshi film legend Babita is going to receive the prestigious Tele Cine Awards on June 2 in Kolkata. The veteran actor is leaving for