Star Multimedia

When wrong is right! (video)

With utter disregard for law and norms, Dhaka University and Jagannath University buses ply on the wrong side of roads regularly.

Scenes of these BRTC double-decker buses plying on the wrong sides of the roads and students shooing away other vehicles coming in from the right side are quite common.

Even the traffic sergeants appear helpless to these rampant students – let alone other commuters who spend hours sweating disgruntled in other public vehicles stuck in traffic. 

University authorities say they have repeatedly requested the students not to force the bus drivers to ply on the wrong side.

Talking to The Daily Star Online, Dhaka University acting Proctor Professor Amzad Ali said that the university administration has repeatedly asked the students and drivers to obey traffic rules.

“We will suspend the route if any of our transport is reported to ply on the wrong side,” he said. admitting that these students and bus drivers are responsible for the law breach.

Voicing sternness, he said the university administration is prepared to offer full cooperation to traffic authorities if they go for action against the buses.


When wrong is right! (video)

With utter disregard for law and norms, Dhaka University and Jagannath University buses ply on the wrong side of roads regularly.

Scenes of these BRTC double-decker buses plying on the wrong sides of the roads and students shooing away other vehicles coming in from the right side are quite common.

Even the traffic sergeants appear helpless to these rampant students – let alone other commuters who spend hours sweating disgruntled in other public vehicles stuck in traffic. 

University authorities say they have repeatedly requested the students not to force the bus drivers to ply on the wrong side.

Talking to The Daily Star Online, Dhaka University acting Proctor Professor Amzad Ali said that the university administration has repeatedly asked the students and drivers to obey traffic rules.

“We will suspend the route if any of our transport is reported to ply on the wrong side,” he said. admitting that these students and bus drivers are responsible for the law breach.

Voicing sternness, he said the university administration is prepared to offer full cooperation to traffic authorities if they go for action against the buses.


লিবিয়ার নৌকাডুবি। ফাইল ছবি: সংগৃহীত

লিবিয়ায় নৌকা ডুবে ২০ বাংলাদেশির মৃত্যুর আশঙ্কা

বাংলাদেশের দূতাবাস এখনো ঘটনাস্থলে যাওয়ার প্রয়োজনীয় অনুমতি পায়নি বলে পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের বিবৃতিতে জানানো হয়েছে।

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