As a “new” Bangladesh emerges, knowing who Kalpana Chakma is becomes crucial in understanding our shared history
When a child is disrespected for who she is, she will reject her home and culture.
Twenty five years ago, on June 12, 1996, Kalpana Chakma, organising secretary of the Hill Women’s Federation, was abducted in the dead of the night.
If you were forced out from your ancestral land today, where would you go? How long could you walk in your torn sandals?
Before Aung (name changed) had attended his first university class, he became the subject of a post on his batch Facebook group.
Imagine waiting for a bus at a station when someone shouts “Corona, Corona, Corona!” while pointing at you. Instantly everyone looks at you and you wish to disappear into thin air for being held responsible for a deadly virus.
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) is widely known for its success in different national and international programming contests, Olympiads and idea generation contests.
I can be a mysterious smoky-eyed girl or a demure girl with fluttering big lashes. It's amazing how different we can look when we apply makeup.
A large portion of my childhood was spent wondering how two Bollywood characters, who had just fallen in love, instantly synchronise dance steps and lyrics.
To many, the universal definition of a good woman has been one who is tamed, gentle and calm. But the one time you are pushed to your limits and all hell breaks loose, you're probably thought to be PMS-ing.
My three-year-old niece giggles when I tell her the story of the dragon, Ree Fu Zang, who rose from a lake to save the world.
Criticism: a word that makes people jump from their seats and prepare for Mongol conquests in a second. We get offended fast and react faster.
People went crazy over The Huffington Post's article titled “We are the generation who doesn't want relationships” because we related to every bit of it.
Usually I get mails from readers curiously asking me who I really am.. I get along and feign a different personality,
We didn't believe they were coming for our home until they did. We lived in a slum together. It wasn't the best place to live in, but definitely the best place to play danguli, marble and wheel racing. We friends were a gang.
Welcome to Bangladesh, a land where the internet connection is as fragile as our CGPAs. If you talk about the duration of the call connection, it is as infrequent as my concentration during Chemistry class.
We all dream of winning the world some day and make everyone around us super proud. However, life is not a movie and most Asian parents just seem to suppress their reactions.