Bot Law & Our Rights

Bot Law & Our Rights

RIGHTS WATCH / Accession to the Enforced Disappearance Convention Ending Impunity?

In recent years, enforced disappearance has emerged as a grave concern in Bangladesh because many such incidents have gone unpunished in the absence of any law to criminalise it.

1w ago

LAW VISION / Biosecurity Laws and infectious diseases

Infectious disease outbreaks have been a recurring theme in human history. The new variant of the bird flu (H5N1), facilitated by a minor change in its DNA, infecting bird species, and even humans leading to one death in Mexico.

1w ago

Law and Politics / Rethinking the Bangladesh-India water politics

To strike an equitable water-share mechanism between Bangladesh and India, the Joint Rivers Commission was formed in 1972, and the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was approved in 1996, establishing a structure for collaboration between governments.

1w ago

Constitutional Law / A case against Article 7B of our Constitution

The Constitution of Bangladesh is the highest law of the land. As stated in the preamble and Article 7, our Constitution has been framed to uphold the “solemn expression of the will of the people”.

2w ago

Democracy and Inclusion / Electoral inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

According to the National Survey on Persons with Disabilities (NSPD) 2021 by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the percentage of disability is higher among adult people than among children in Bangladesh.

2w ago

Rights and Justice / The state of mob justice in Bangladesh

Mob justice, also known as vigilante justice, involves a group of people taking the law into their own hands, meting out punishment through violence.

2w ago

Law and Society / People’s understanding of ‘Law’ during the uprise: A sociolegal analysis

The July uprising marks a significant event for our national history not only as a moment of political introspection, but also in terms of appreciating people’s perception and understanding of law as a lived experience.

3w ago

RIGHTS WATCH / Privacy concerns over phone searches

During the quota reform movement in July and early August, reports emerged of police conducting unjustified phone searches and making arrests.

3w ago

Bangladesh: The most preferable investment destination in the world

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Its economy has been growing steadily at the rate of above 6.5% on average over a decade and thus has transformed the country into a land of opportunities.

3y ago

What does the Quran say regarding polygamy?

It was not Islam that had initiated polygamy rather polygamy was the widespread customary practice in pre-Islamic Arabia which continued in the later ages by distorting the actual revelation of the Quran.

3y ago

Bail of the convict-appellant sentenced to death

It is the general practice in our country that a person convicted under Section 302 of Penal Code, 1860 with death penalty is not considered for bail. The moot question is whether there is any legal bar upon granting bail to the death sentenced convict appellant.

3y ago

Webinar on the UN Draft Resolution on Business and Human Rights

On Tuesday, 30 March 2020 the webinar on the UN Draft Resolution on Business and Human Rights was jointly organised by International Business Forum of Bangladesh (IBFB) and Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI).

3y ago

Judiciary participating in law-making An analysis on the Southern Solar Power Ltd Case

In the 2019 case, Southern Solar Power Ltd and another v Bangladesh Power Development Board and others [(2019) 2 LNJ] the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh (HCD) held, “the Constitution of Bangladesh empowers the High Court Division to declare any law to be void, this Court is competent to make observations about any law, including what ought to be in the Act.

3y ago

Addressing gender inequality during Covid-19 pandemic

The 2021 theme for International Women’s Day is “Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.

3y ago

There is an acute need for independent legislation in relation to data protection

Law Desk (LD): How would you evaluate the growth of commercial laws in Bangladesh since Independence?

3y ago

7-day restrictions: Chief Justice decides to run court functions on limited scale

Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain yesterday decided to run court functions on a limited scale from today to April 11, during the government’s seven-day restrictions to curb the recent spike in Covid-19 cases and deaths.

3y ago

3rd IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference

Third IPIRA Conference was held virtually from March 24 to 27, 2021.

3y ago

Refund of advance VAT or turnover tax from Government treasury

Bangladesh has proudly graduated from the LDC and now SDG or Ease of Doing Businesses are the beacons or lighthouses Bangladesh is proceeding towards.

3y ago