Human Rights

Human Rights

Subarnachar rape: What NHRC said happened and what really happened

On the night of December 31, a day after the election, a mother of four was gang-raped in Subarnachar upazila of Noakhali. The rape is widely being acknowledged as election violence.

5y ago

Human Rights / When teenagers are sent to adult jails

Hridoy Gazi is an inmate at Kashimpur Prison in Gazipur. He is also an eighth-grader according to his family, and a 13-year-old according to his birth certificate.

5y ago

BURN THE WATCHTOWER / Only authoritarians love refugees

In a breathtakingly racist speech, he warned that Europe could turn “black”and have its culture and civilisation overwhelmed by the “barbarian invasions” of migrants from across the Mediterranean.

5y ago

Human Rights / When digital rights become a human right

Private university student Sumon (not his real name) had already gone to bed when the police came to his bachelor pad, last month. The cops were on a “block raid”—a security exercise that Dhaka Metropolitan Police executed over several areas in the city in the aftermath of the Safe Roads movement waged by student protestors.

6y ago

Migrants Rights / Held captive in one's own mind

The last two years have witnessed thousands of Bangladeshi female workers, who were tortured, abused or cheated, return home from the Middle East with painful memories.

6y ago

A day in the police station

“Did you see my son Sadman? Please take a look at this photo. Did you see him being taken to the police station? Is he in this police station?” A woman, in her early fifties, was desperately appealing to the sentries stationed at the gate of Shahbagh police station at 1pm on August 6, 2018.

6y ago

human rights / Trump is now targeting families

Deportation of undocumented Bangladeshis from the USA is nothing new. In the last 10 years, the country issued deportation orders for 7,364 Bangladeshis. The period during Bill Clinton's presidency particularly saw over a thousand Bangladeshis being marked for deportation each year.

6y ago

human rights / Jailed and forgotten

Forty-year-old Azaher Ali is in a fix and isn't sure how he should react. He has just met his daughter and his grand-daughter for the first time in years. His daughter was just 11 months old, the last time he held her. Today, she's almost 20 and has a child of her own.

6y ago

The Woes of Homelessness

Our society treats transgender people as outcasts. They are vilified as criminal groups, a threat to the social fabric, and thus

8y ago

The Story of Dhee

The day would probably be remembered in history for a long time to come. The country's first ever lesbian comic character -Dhee was launched through an event held at the British Council last week, on September 5.

9y ago

Breaking Our Own Backbone

“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.” – Nelson Mandela

9y ago


We can see deep economic contrast in the Bangladeshi society.

9y ago


Let's begin the story with a clichéd and somewhat banal question-- did Felani, a 15- year- old girl who was shot dead by the Indian

9y ago


Rina Akther, a 16 year-old domestic worker begins her day at the break of dawn.

9y ago


A large signboard hung outside a small pharmacy located inside the Mohammadpur Geneva Camp says, “Doctor Available for Consultation,” but in the 12 years since this pharmacy was established, not once has a doctor stepped into its premises.

9y ago


Article 17 of the Constitution names education as a civil right. It states, "Free and compulsory education: The state shall adopt effective measures for establishing a uniform mass-oriented and universal system of education and extending free and compulsory education to all children to such stage as may be determined by law…”

9y ago


A glimpse into the lives of people stranded in the Geneva Camps has shown us the deplorable state in which they have been living for 43 years.

9y ago


8ft by 8ft- the size of an average bathroom in most of our homes—that is how much space each family living inside the Geneva Camps (Bihari Camps) all over the country is allotted.

9y ago