Cox’s Bazar attacks reflect a sickness far from being cured

By giving their opinions a religious tag, groups or individuals have managed to get away with vicious assaults on women

1w ago

One month after the new beginning

From that pivotal moment on August 5, the subsequent events in the next 30 days have been just as dramatic

3w ago

Saluting the spirit of our young people

There is no shame in admitting that in the last few days many of us have cried helplessly, over the senseless deaths of students—teenagers or in their early twenties—the same age or close to the ages of our children.

2m ago

Is it possible to escape from the seduction of smartphones?

The bug of relentless connectivity to some world or the other has infected us, and there seems to be no cure.

3m ago

World leaders are disconnected from the youth

Student protestors are calling out the double standards of Western powers

4m ago

Kindness gives life its biggest dividends

The history of civilisation has shown that humans survive when they are part of a community.

6m ago

The poor’s debt burden gets heavier

The vicious cycle of taking loans to pay bills and then taking another loan to pay off the first loan may continue throughout their lives, with little or no real improvement in their living standards.

6m ago

Opinion / A glimpse into the crazy, irrational mind of a woman

Women are crazy because they set the bar ridiculously high for themselves, with no thought of self-preservation.

6m ago

Losing the only roof over their heads

The image is all too familiar, so much so that it is almost forgettable: A woman wailing amongst debris that once was what she called her home.

5y ago

Because she exercised her constitutional right

The gang-rape of a 35-year-old woman, a mother of four young children, because she insisted on exercising her right to vote for whoever she wanted to, has been the most devastating story for us ordinary citizens and especially for women of this country. It is hard to find words to describe the disillusionment and anguish I know I share with most of my fellow citizens that such horrendous violence should be inflicted as a twisted form of political revenge. While all the rapists have been arrested, even the man who “ordered” the 10 to 12 men to rape that woman “to teach her a lesson” for challenging him, what we cannot escape is the realisation of how far the culture of impunity of political elites and their cohorts has gone.

5y ago

The love-hate relationship with social media

Ever since it started existing, governments have had a love-hate relationship with social media. Predictably, the romance starts to sour when social media contains criticism of the

5y ago

Men should be worried

Men all over the world are getting worried. Or at least they should be. What started out as a movement in the US against sexual harassment of powerful men at top positions in Hollywood...

5y ago

Curb your curiosity for your own sake

Many indivi-duals who come to this country for the first time are enamoured by the overabundance of genuine hospitality that they receive from the local people.

6y ago

We don't need no moral policing

Children should not speak unless spoken to. The old adage has come back to haunt us again. Or perhaps it never went away at all—at least not in our cultural context.

6y ago

How are we doing — as human beings?

It is one of the biggest paradoxes of present time — the contradiction of having the most remarkable advancements in technology with the most regressive developments in human civilisation.

6y ago

When we falter they rise

The damning indictment had been announced a long time before we were ready to hear it. Now, we can no longer look away from that awful, cringe-worthy truth. We, the grownups, the apparent decision makers of their fate, have failed our children.

6y ago

Surviving in a narrowing space

It is hardly a new phenomenon to see how governments, especially in South Asia, claiming to be democratic to suit their convenience, become anything but that when it comes to dissenting views. Curbing press freedom, in particular, will always become the target for governments that have succumbed to insecurities of their own creation. Corruption of leaders or their cronies seems to be the topmost reason for state paranoia of the media which is seen as a thorn in the flesh rather than an essential component of democratic maturity.

6y ago

Celebrating a Braveheart

A tribute to artist and freedom fighter Ferdousi Priyabhashini on a day we celebrate women could not be more befitting except for the fact that it should have been a tribute to a living legend not a eulogy for a hero who is no more. She passed away on March 6. When one looks at the life of this incredibly brave and beautiful woman one cannot help but feel that we as a nation have failed miserably to pay our dues to this freedom fighter.

6y ago