Cox’s Bazar attacks reflect a sickness far from being cured

By giving their opinions a religious tag, groups or individuals have managed to get away with vicious assaults on women

1w ago

One month after the new beginning

From that pivotal moment on August 5, the subsequent events in the next 30 days have been just as dramatic

3w ago

Saluting the spirit of our young people

There is no shame in admitting that in the last few days many of us have cried helplessly, over the senseless deaths of students—teenagers or in their early twenties—the same age or close to the ages of our children.

2m ago

Is it possible to escape from the seduction of smartphones?

The bug of relentless connectivity to some world or the other has infected us, and there seems to be no cure.

3m ago

World leaders are disconnected from the youth

Student protestors are calling out the double standards of Western powers

4m ago

Kindness gives life its biggest dividends

The history of civilisation has shown that humans survive when they are part of a community.

6m ago

The poor’s debt burden gets heavier

The vicious cycle of taking loans to pay bills and then taking another loan to pay off the first loan may continue throughout their lives, with little or no real improvement in their living standards.

6m ago

Opinion / A glimpse into the crazy, irrational mind of a woman

Women are crazy because they set the bar ridiculously high for themselves, with no thought of self-preservation.

6m ago

The tragedy of losing a champion

The tragedy of Asma Jahangir's sudden passing away at only 66 years of age, on February 11, is that she has left the world at a time when it needed her most.

6y ago

Ivy's Poison

The pictures on the front page of practically every major newspaper on Wednesday, January 17, conjure an ugly image of Bangladesh's political scene.

6y ago

Facebook for escapists or escapees?

It makes one wonder why married couples must declare their unquestionable adoration for each other on Facebook. Do they not see each other every single day of their lives?

6y ago

Waiting for a miracle

The best thing about the building I come to work to six days a week is that it has reasonably clean (as in dry), separate toilets for women in each floor. It is a luxury that few women in this city can claim. I say “luxury” for what is a basic necessity because in Dhaka city (forget the rest of Bangladesh) having access to a reasonably useable toilet for women is a rarity. Sometimes it is a miracle.

6y ago

For the love of the camera!

Cameras have always had a strange effect on people. While there is a group of people who are called camera shy, who will shun any attempts of anyone trying to photograph them, who will grimace uncomfortably when the camera...

6y ago

Say no to the right to wrong passage

I don't know about you but when I read about traffic law enforcers stopping VIP cars going on the wrong side of the road and giving them tickets, for some reason I feel like jumping with joy. Forgive me for being gleeful at another individual's inconvenience.

6y ago

Can we make the world colour-blind?

Yet there it is—an inescapable, undesirable truth. And it goes far beyond the silly jibes of how you didn't get your mother's buttery complexion or the delicate hints by the parlour assistant that a “fair polish” is in order to “brighten” your dark, dull skin.

7y ago

Lessons from Aduri's ordeal

Tuesday's verdict by a special court in Dhaka, which sentenced Nawrin Jahan Nodi to life imprisonment for torturing an 11-year-old domestic help, Aduri, and dumping her into a dustbin assuming she was dead, should give us immense satisfaction.

7y ago

The spectre of Rip Van Winkle

This is a city where even the most important people fall victim of the Rip Van Winkle syndrome. They lie in the blissful sleep of negligence and apathy while their city's vitality, strength and resilience are washed away in the dirty waters.

7y ago

When in doubt bring Ershad out

You have to hand it to the former general/president. Nobody can really match the age-defying, flamboyant showstopper like Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad.

7y ago