Cox’s Bazar attacks reflect a sickness far from being cured

By giving their opinions a religious tag, groups or individuals have managed to get away with vicious assaults on women

1w ago

One month after the new beginning

From that pivotal moment on August 5, the subsequent events in the next 30 days have been just as dramatic

3w ago

Saluting the spirit of our young people

There is no shame in admitting that in the last few days many of us have cried helplessly, over the senseless deaths of students—teenagers or in their early twenties—the same age or close to the ages of our children.

2m ago

Is it possible to escape from the seduction of smartphones?

The bug of relentless connectivity to some world or the other has infected us, and there seems to be no cure.

3m ago

World leaders are disconnected from the youth

Student protestors are calling out the double standards of Western powers

4m ago

Kindness gives life its biggest dividends

The history of civilisation has shown that humans survive when they are part of a community.

6m ago

The poor’s debt burden gets heavier

The vicious cycle of taking loans to pay bills and then taking another loan to pay off the first loan may continue throughout their lives, with little or no real improvement in their living standards.

6m ago

Opinion / A glimpse into the crazy, irrational mind of a woman

Women are crazy because they set the bar ridiculously high for themselves, with no thought of self-preservation.

6m ago

The paradox of institutional silence

The paradox of silence is that it only accentuates the sound of things you may not want to hear. The silence I am talking about here is the institutional refusal to acknowledge, let alone address an unsavoury truth.

7y ago

Who cares what happened with Apu and Shakib?

Just when you thought you knew what the most significant news of the day was – West Bengal Chief Minister's rejection of the Teesta...

7y ago

No such place as home

For the majority of communities in this country, the idea of a woman inheriting more than a man is ludicrous, even equally is rarely accepted. But there have been instances where through legal channels brothers and sisters have shared their parents' wealth equally without any kind of acrimony.

7y ago

A special kind of stupid

Is it just me or is everyone around me going a bit cuckoo?! And I'm not talking about the lawmaker who thought it was grand to walk

7y ago

When children resort to crime

It could be over who gets to play in the field that day or who should be occupying the alleys to intimidate passersby. It could be because the harassment of a girl was protested. Or because a 'proposal' was rejected. It could be just about anything that can trigger brutality in a youngster.

7y ago

'The upside of the downside'

It was an expression of outrage against the apparent acceptability of anti-woman rhetoric, racial discrimination, religious intolerance and insularity, diseases that keep thriving across the globe.

7y ago

The quirks and perks of getting old

Aging and quirkiness are like Siamese twins and can seldom be separated. This is why as you grow older you will inadvertently acquire a good dose of crankiness and a bucketful of eccentricities that the young (and cruel) will snicker about behind your back.

7y ago

Reality bites of 2016

I think the biggest lesson we learnt in 2016 is that we have been living in a bubble of delusion - about the kind of world we live in.

7y ago

The administration's parallel reality

Idon't know what I would be going through if I had been a Hindu resident of Brahmanbaria's Nasirnagar, and now recently of Bochaganj, Dinajpur, where at least 20 Hindu houses have been torched, if my house or that of my Hindu relatives or neighbours had been attacked by a few hundred frenzied men who unleashed their hatred by vandalising, looting and setting everything on fire.

7y ago

Child marriage is wrong, exceptions are unacceptable

Perhaps we were a bit delusional in thinking that there was a consensus regarding the fact that child marriage, that is marriage of a girl under 18, would be considered a social evil that should be completely shunned in our country.

7y ago