We must stop the infighting to retain buyers

To maintain its position as a global leader in the garment industry, Bangladesh must prioritise unity and stability.

2w ago

It’s time to look forward with our fashion partners

We need to look at what the business community needs from our state and non-state institutions.

1m ago

How our RMG industry empowered women

The RMG industry has provided lakhs of women, with their first formal employment opportunities.

2m ago

Opinion / Bangladesh on the renewable energy race track

A country’s energy mix may even one day override all other issues given the climate crisis we face.

2m ago

Why are gas prices so volatile?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 had significant implications for the global gas supply chain, and caused what many termed a gas crisis. The reduction in supply led to a dramatic rise in gas prices globally. .Indeed, gas prices in Europe reached unprecedented levels, impacting ene

3m ago

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

3m ago

SBTi debate has major implications for RMG suppliers

The carbon offsetting schemes that have been discredited in the past could be improved

3m ago

How fashion is future-proofing by investing in technology

Are fashion brands becoming more than retailers of clothing?

4m ago

Fast fashion’s thorny question

One thing there has yet to be much discussion about since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic is the issue of waste. We know that hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of garment and textile orders have been cancelled or postponed.

4y ago

Apparel industry needs to recognise its true worth

“If you don’t know your own value, somebody will tell you your value, and it’ll be less than you’re worth,” stated Bernard Hopkins Jr, one of the most successful boxers of the past three decades.

4y ago

Why consumers are complicit in workers’ sufferings

In the United Kingdom, they have a small but thriving garment industry in Leicester, an industrial city about 100 miles north of London.

4y ago

Time to put workers first

The past two decades have seen the onward march of the corporate social responsibility agenda in the global apparel industry.

4y ago

Where next for our industry beyond Covid-19?

Three months after most of the major global markets of Bangladeshi garments entered a lockdown period and closed many of their shops, we are beginning to get a better picture of how the industry might look as we move beyond Covid-19.

4y ago

Garments industry needs evolution, not revolution

We need to do better. We need a complete “industry reset”. We “cannot go back to the way things were before”. I hear all of these sentiments and read about them each day on my various social media feeds. Part of me thinks, “yes, we must strive for a better industry”.

4y ago

Don’t let the price fool you

I have posted on social media regularly about the issue of brands delaying payments to suppliers in the wake of growing concerns about Covid-19.

4y ago

Global suppliers are stronger working together

There are very few positives to be taken from the past few weeks as Covid-19 has wreaked havoc around the world, killing otherwise healthy people—and placing otherwise healthy businesses on life-support. In fact, as I write this, a great many garment suppliers globally are in urgent need of their own “intensive care”. Cash is the lifeblood of our industry, and right now, many thousands if not tens of thousands of garment factories around the world are running out of it.

4y ago

How apparel buyers can support their manufacturing partners

The Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc throughout the global fashion industry. A recently updated report by McKinsey and Company and the Business of Fashion—“The State of Fashion 2020”—states that the global fashion industry will face a 27 percent to 30 percent contraction in business due to the outbreak of the virus.

4y ago

Trust between apparel manufacturers and brands is another victim of Covid-19

The building of trust, meaningful relationships between manufacturers and customers in the global apparel industry has played a vital role in the continuing success of the sector.

4y ago