We must stop the infighting to retain buyers

To maintain its position as a global leader in the garment industry, Bangladesh must prioritise unity and stability.

2w ago

It’s time to look forward with our fashion partners

We need to look at what the business community needs from our state and non-state institutions.

1m ago

How our RMG industry empowered women

The RMG industry has provided lakhs of women, with their first formal employment opportunities.

2m ago

Opinion / Bangladesh on the renewable energy race track

A country’s energy mix may even one day override all other issues given the climate crisis we face.

2m ago

Why are gas prices so volatile?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 had significant implications for the global gas supply chain, and caused what many termed a gas crisis. The reduction in supply led to a dramatic rise in gas prices globally. .Indeed, gas prices in Europe reached unprecedented levels, impacting ene

3m ago

To cut CO2 emissions, let’s tackle over-production

We live in a world where approximately 9.2 percent of the global population lives on less than $2.15 per day according to figures from 2019.

3m ago

SBTi debate has major implications for RMG suppliers

The carbon offsetting schemes that have been discredited in the past could be improved

3m ago

How fashion is future-proofing by investing in technology

Are fashion brands becoming more than retailers of clothing?

4m ago

Is Bangladesh’s apparel sector ready for industry 4.0?

The footprint of Bangladesh in the global apparel industry can be traced back to the early 1980s, and by now the industry has achieved phenomenal growth in exports.

2y ago

Bangladesh RMG must be more resilient after Covid-19

The world might look a very different place 10 years from now. If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that nothing can be taken for granted—in life or in business.

2y ago

Beyond LDC: 5 ideas for a future-proof RMG sector

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released a new report which looks at how the economies of the least developed countries (LDCs) have progressed during the past 50 years.

2y ago

In fashion, ‘sustainability as usual’ may no longer be enough

Can we decouple business growth from climate impacts? This is the thorny question that no politician wants to answer right now, and it is easy to understand why.

3y ago

A case for regulatory oversight of online apparel retailers

As a clothing manufacturer, there are a great many legal and regulatory hoops I must jump through in order to remain in operation without falling foul of the law.

3y ago

Why Bangladesh needs to set price floor for garments

The US government has passed well-documented “anti-dumping laws” aimed at providing a level playing field and protection for the local industries.

3y ago

How to support the renewable energy drive in Bangladesh

Recently I wrote about how Bangladesh’s RMG industry needs to move towards renewable energy in order to gain a global competitive advantage in garment production. Here I want to look at some of the challenges our industry faces in its shift to renewable and cleaner energy, and how to overcome these challenges.

3y ago

Clean energy could bestow major competitive advantage for suppliers

Competitive advantage comes in many different shapes and forms. Product quality, speed, flexibility and, of course, price. All have their place in influencing whether a company should choose one supplier over another.

3y ago

Factory owners can’t do it all themselves

To grow and fulfil its potential in the coming years, I believe Bangladesh’s RMG industry needs to adapt when it comes to management.

3y ago

Bangladesh apparel industry needs to tackle mistruths head-on

If one were to read the international media, one might be given the impression that Bangladesh is a wasteland, when we all know that it is anything but.

3y ago