Rohingya Crisis

Rohingya Crisis

‘Let’s go home; let’s go to Myanmar’

Thousands of Rohingyas yesterday held a rally in Ukhia of Cox’s Bazar -- to tell the world that they want to go back to their homeland Myanmar, marking World Refugee Day.

2y ago

How Rohingya youth are fighting for education

Abdul Aman, a Rohingya boy of 18, was a student of grade eight in 2017. His dream was to travel abroad for higher education after completing his school.

2y ago

74 Rohingya held after they fled camps

Seventy-four Rohingyas, who managed to flee from camps in Cox’s Bazar, were arrested in Chattogram’s Boalkhali upazila early yesterday.

2y ago

Nowhere to go

Rohingya repatriation has become even more uncertain following the military takeover in Myanmar while the displaced people find it riskier to go back to their motherland where there is no legitimate government right now.

2y ago

Funding on decline, challenges up

As international funding for the Rohingyas declines, Bangladesh faces increasing challenges to manage the displaced people amid little prospect of repatriation anytime soon.

2y ago

Seeking Refuge: 218 Rohingyas died or went missing at sea

At least 218 Rohingyas died or went missing at sea in 2020 as they desperately sought refuge in the Southeast Asian countries either from Myanmar’s Rakhine State or Bangladesh’s Rohingya camps, a new UN report says.

2y ago

Argentine Court: Rohingyas testify about the horrors they faced

In a historic development for Myanmar, Rohingya women have described in an Argentine court of law, under the aegis of universal jurisdiction, how the Myanmar military carried out a brutal massacre in their village.

2y ago

Rohingya women testify in Argentina court on ‘brutal massacre in Rakhine state’

In a historic development, Rohingya women have described how the Myanmar military carried out a brutal massacre in their village, in an Argentinean court of law, under the aegis of universal jurisdiction.

2y ago

Let other countries take Rohingyas, we can’t take more: foreign minister

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen today urged other countries and human rights bodies to come forward to share the burden of Rohingyas, saying that Bangladesh has done enough.

3y ago

UN refugee agency calls for rescue of Rohingya stranded in Andaman Sea

The United Nations refugee agency on Monday called for the immediate rescue of a group of Rohingya refugees who were adrift in their boat in the Andaman Sea without food or water, many of whom were ill and suffering from extreme dehydration.

3y ago

Rohingya crisis: Korean ambassador discusses improved collaboration during Cox’s Bazar visit

South Korean Ambassador Lee Jang-keun interacted with UN agencies, local administration and NGOs on how to improve collaborations to resolve the Rohingya refugee crisis during his four-day visit to Cox’s Bazar.

3y ago

‘Won’t go to Bhasan Char without my dog’

For eleven-year-old Mohammad Sohel, a new shot at life without his dog Moti is impossible to imagine. So, when he and his family packed up their belongings -- collected over the years at the Rohingya refugee camp in Ukhia’s Kutupalong -- to move to Bhasan Char, leaving Moti behind was not even a question.

3y ago

Word-of-mouth recommendation drawing them: 2,010 Rohingyas reach Bhasan Char

Mohammed Hossen (60), a Rohingya man from Cox’s Bazar’s Kutupalong camp, never thought that he would shift to Bhasan Char. However, well-made accommodation and better facilities than Ukhia Rohingya camp changed his mind.

3y ago

Relocation to Bhasan Char: Over 1,152 Rohingyas leave Cox’s Bazar

Over 1,152 Rohingyas have left Cox's Bazar refugee camp for Chattogram’s Patenga as they are set to be relocated to Noakhali's Bhasan Char.

3y ago

Rohingya crisis: UNSC calls for creating conditions for repatriation

UN Security Council members have reiterated the need for addressing the root causes of the crisis in Rakhine state and creating conditions necessary for the safe, voluntary, sustainable and dignified return of Rohingyas.

3y ago

Genocide: Myanmar raises objection over Gambia’s eligibility in filling case at ICJ

Myanmar has raised objection over Gambia's eligibility in filing the November 2019 case that alleged that Myanmar’s atrocities against the Rohingya in Rakhine state violate the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

3y ago

Bangladesh still has confidence in China over Rohingya repatriation: Foreign Minister

Bangladesh has confidence in China that it will continue to help repatriate the Rohingyas, despite the fact that the veto power at the UN Security Council on Tuesday blocked a Council statement condemning the military coup in Myanmar.

3y ago

Bangladesh has secured borders to check further Rohingya influx: foreign minister

Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen today confirmed that Bangladesh has secured its border with Myanmar to check further influx of Rohingyas following the military coup in the neighbouring country.

3y ago
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