bangladesh sports

Surf’s up! / Younus Ali’s dream of conquering the Californian waves

I could tell that his dream is not a dream per se, but an event that only requires time to come true.

Ironman Arafat urges for proper structure  

In a nation that lives and breathes cricket, it is ever so difficult for other sports to stand out and make its own position in the country’s sporting culture. Another factor is the mindset of the sports industry as the focus given to the non-cricket genres of sports and its athletes is predominantly dependent on success.

ITF Asia U-14 Development Championship starts on Sunday

The International Tennis Federation Asia Under-14 Development Championship will get underway on Sunday at the Sheikh Jamal National Tennis Complex in Ramna with 34 players from 10 countries taking part in the competition.

Shuttling against the wind

In 1989, Shibbir Ahmed, then a Class-IV student, was persuaded by his friend Khaled to accompany him into badminton training under coach Sheikh Jahangir.

South Asian B'ball / BD beat Nepal in opener

Bangladesh made a good start to their 5th South Asian Basketball Championship campaign, beating Nepal in their opening match in Male yesterday.

No good news from Baku

After two consecutive days of success, the Bangladeshi athletes failed to get into contention for any medals on the third day of action at the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku, Azerbaijan yesterday.

Razib wins, Rakib loses

Grandmaster Enamul Hossain Razib shared third position with 18 other players after the fourth round of the Asian Continental Chess Championships in Chengdu, China ended yesterday.

Independence Day Tennis / Delwar wins men's title

Delwar Hossain of Narshingdi Tennis Club beat Arif Hossain of American Club in straight sets to clinch the men's singles title of the Swiss Paper Independence Day Tennis Tournament, which concluded at the Ramna National Tennis Complex yesterday.

Volleyball picks 25 for women's team

Bangladesh Volleyball Federation (BVF) yesterday picked 25 players in a bid to form the women's national team as well as provide long-term training for international competitions.

April 6, 2017
April 6, 2017

National day of sports today

Bangladesh will today observe the National Day of Sports for the first time since the United Nations General Assembly three years ago declared April 6 as the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace (IDSDP).

April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017

Shamsul Arefin passes away

Bangladesh Badminton Federation's general secretary FM Shamsul Arefin died of cancer at the BIRDEM Hospital in Dhaka yesterday. He was 65.

March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017

Flame of reconciliation to burn brightly at Commonwealth Games

The two decade reconciliation process which has seen Australia confront its treatment of indigenous people has been fully embraced by 2018 Commonwealth Games organisers, Gold Coast Elder Ted Williams told AFP.

March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017

Army rule day two

Bangladesh Army dominated the second day of the ARK Group 35th Men's and 12th Women's National Weightlifting Championships by winning three out of six gold medals at the National Sports Council Gymnasium yesterday.

March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017

BJMC, Army, Ansar share the glory

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC), Bangladesh Army and Bangladesh Ansar shared the honours on the second day of the 38th National Cycling Championship after winning two gold medals each at Bangabandhu National Stadium yesterday.

March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

School h'ball from today

Polar Ice Cream 24th School Handball tournament will begin today at the Shaheed (captain) M Mansur Ali National Handball Stadium with 31 schools participating in boys' and girls' sections.

March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

Army's third in a row

Bangladesh Army clinched hattrick title of Independence Day Volleyball Tournament after beating Power Development Board (PDB) in straight sets in the final at the Volleyball Stadium in Paltan yesterday.

March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

National cycling returns

The 38th National Cycling Championship got underway at the Bangabandhu National Stadium yesterday after a three-year gap with 220 cyclists from 18 teams vying in 22 events.

March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

BGB win wrestling title

Border Guard Bangladesh became champions in men's section while Bangladesh Ansar and Bangladesh Army emerged joint champions in women's section of the Walton Independence Day Wrestling Tournament at Sheikh Russel Roller Skating Complex in Paltan yesterday.

March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

Lifters unhappy with rewards

After a two-year hiatus, the 35th Men's and 12th Women's National Weightlifting Championships got underway yesterday at the National Sports Council (NSC) Gymnasium amid mixed reaction from the participating weightlifters.

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