The state itself had deepened inequality as it “sponsored dis-equalising factors”, exempting corporations from taxes and helping banks with liquidity for years on end only to benefit the elite, said Prof Rehman Sobhan, chairman of the Centre for Policy Dialogue, yesterday.
Ultimately, the battle between extractive and inclusive institutions is not just a fight over resources; it is a fight over the future direction of the country.
Leadership failures are most apparent when decisions exacerbate inequality, suppress free expression, and sustain inefficiencies.
In Bangladesh, challenges hindering the achievement of economic equality are: low public expenditure on education, training, health, rural development and social protection.
Issues of fundamental human rights violations, the destruction of social justice, and unjust biases remain central to inequalities and discrimination.
The government needs to set in place irreversible principles and practices that constrain arbitrary power in the future leading to the misuse of popular consent.
Inequalities occur not only in income, but also in non-income dimensions
The vicious cycle of taking loans to pay bills and then taking another loan to pay off the first loan may continue throughout their lives, with little or no real improvement in their living standards.
With great wealth, should there not be great scrutiny and accountability?
Sanem carried out a survey among 9,000 households countrywide in Oct-Nov of 2023
The problem is not a shortage of professional textile engineers; the problem is that the country's economic decision-makers cannot understand growing demand.
In recent years, Bangladesh has been grappling with a deepening chasm of inequality.
Should we be surprised that so many people view the growing concentration of wealth with suspicion, or that they believe the system is rigged?
Throughout this booklet, which is primarily meant to be read by lawyers and judges, India's apex court has provided an exhaustive list of stereotype-promoting language that should be replaced by alternative language.
The story would resonate with many young couples starting out in this ruthless city, where what you earn is nowhere near what you spend, just for the bare minimum.
Bangladesh is increasingly becoming a very unequal country as the disparity between income distribution and consumption has been growing for years, said the Citizen's Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh today.
It seems grossly inappropriate that in a country on its way to achieving middle-income status, there are still people dying from poverty.
Deep social change often come from people, social movements and civil society organisations, rarely from top down.
While the participants in the Ukraine war are spending billions of dollars each day on weapons and other destructive arsenals, millions of people and the leaders in South Asia and Africa are passing days in anxiety with rising external debt, a strong dollar, lingering supply chain disruptions, and food shortages.