Chief Adviser's Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam yesterday said steps must be taken to ensure that no one can directly interfere with the media in the future like it was done during the ousted Sheikh Hasina government.
The changes proposed by the Media Reform Commission will address journalist vulnerabilities.
How political cartoons in Bangladesh overcame censorship post July uprising.
The Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Anam's appeal to the ‘new generation leaders’
I have fought for press freedom my entire life, he said
Journalists today must be both defenders of truth and advocates for change within the profession and in the wider society.
With news of his newfound freedom making headlines, many may struggle to recall the original charges against him and the debates he sparked on free speech and journalistic practices
Persecution by government officials deeply concerning
Crimes against journalists do not happen in a vacuum.
Proposed hefty fines for journalists are unrealistic
Journalism in Bangladesh is under siege on the digital front, beginning from surveillance to draconian laws.
Bangladesh has slipped ten notches in this year's World Press Freedom Index, by Reporters Without Borders, also known as Reporters sans frontières (RSF).
The Editors’ Council today called upon the authorities concerned to reform the Digital Security Act in order to ensure press freedom in the country.
The Writer’s Block
Defamation laws are being widely misused in the country curtailing the freedom of expression and press, and ultimately forcing many to undergo self-censorship, experts said at a roundtable yesterday.
Press freedom was a fundamental pillar of modern civilisation. Nearly all countries, save the communist bloc and the dictatorial regimes, ensured special protection for the media in their constitutions.
A Russian journalist known for investigating corruption among Moscow city officials has been detained by police and accused of drug offences, the police say, but his lawyer and employer claim that he has been framed.
The reason we say that this “request” couldn’t have come from our Supreme Court judges is that the implication of the “request” is nothing short of death for court reporting. It will lead to shrouding of the judicial process and whatever goes on in the courts into the darkness of night forever depriving it of the “light” of public scrutiny.
United States President Donald Trump among other top world leaders was awarded for “his overall achievement in undermining press freedom”, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says.