
‘They never make it better’: George RR Martin calls out TV and film adaptations

Renowned author George RR Martin, the creative mind behind the "Game of Thrones" series, has voiced strong criticism against TV and film adaptations of books, asserting that they often fail to measure up to their source material. In a recent blog post, Martin lamented the trend of screenwriters and producers altering beloved stories to "make them their own," often to the detriment of the original work.

May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024

‘They never make it better’: George RR Martin calls out TV and film adaptations

Renowned author George RR Martin, the creative mind behind the "Game of Thrones" series, has voiced strong criticism against TV and film adaptations of books, asserting that they often fail to measure up to their source material. In a recent blog post, Martin lamented the trend of screenwriters and producers altering beloved stories to "make them their own," often to the detriment of the original work.

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