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1 Minute Please

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Mithila Rashid is an actor, a Programme Manager, Education at BRAC International and a mother. She is often in news for the amazing roles that she plays on television. However, very recently, she made the columns for earning a 4.00 (CGPA) and a gold medal, after completing her Masters in Early Childhood Development. Mithila takes out a few minutes to speak to the Star Weekend.

7y ago

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All the world's a stage. That's the motto of every good actor; versatile actor Ziaul Faruq Apurba, popularly known as Apurba is

7y ago

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Shoumik Ahmed – a young actor – has captured the hearts of many in Bangladesh, thanks to his vibrant personality on TV and social media alike.

7y ago

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Minar Rahman, popularly known as Minar, is one of today's youth favourite lyricists, composers and singers. His famous tracks like

7y ago

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Books, Portable music player with unlimited batteries and music.

8y ago

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It is very difficult to remember the exact date but I remember being very young. I was perhaps in grade 6-7 when I first got on stage.

8y ago

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I have started my career with the Banglalink TVC Call Drop and Alpenliebe Juzt Jelly.

8y ago

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Rahul Anand is a composer, lyricist and vocals for the eccentric musical group Joler Gaan. He also plays a number of unconventional

8y ago

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Arafat Mohsin is one of the two brothers (Arafat Kirty and Arafat Mohsin) who remade the oldie "O bondhu laal golapi" for a popular telefilm '@18' back in 2013.

9y ago

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When it comes to rock and roll in Bangladesh, Dio Haque is a well-known name.

9y ago

Orchita Sporshia

Orchita Sporshia is a well known name in the media.

9y ago

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Masuma Rahman Nabila, popular television host is a household name today.

9y ago

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What are the three things you would take with you to a deserted island?

9y ago


SABILA NUR has made a place for herself in the hearts of many, thanks to her bubbly personality and vivacious roles on television, in Bangladesh.

9y ago


Tawsif Mahbub is a young actor, who has successfully captured the hearts of many in Bangladesh.

9y ago


Tania Hosaain is a household name when it comes to playing characters of depth and power, on television. Also a model and popular anchor, Tania is an enthusiastic listener of music and a voracious reader. She takes out some time to speak about her likes and dislikes with the Star Weekend.

9y ago


Pantha Kanai is one of a kind, when it comes to defining personalities and musicians in Bangladesh. Not only is he a fantastic singer, he is also a drummer and rhythm programmer.

9y ago


Dance, as an art form, is on the rise in Bangladesh. While there are youths showing interest in dance everyday, there are some making a name on an international scale and acting as an inspiration for those who are new in the arena.

9y ago