Blowin’ in the Wind

Blowin’ in the Wind

Why the seven colleges want out of Dhaka University

The demand of the students of seven colleges reflect a strong desire for autonomy and better academic conditions.

1d ago

Indigenous debate: A nation’s heart beats in every leaf

The factual words of reports often fail to capture the inward, private world of the “minority.”

1w ago

An analysis of the constitutional reform proposal

The nine-member Constitutional Reform Commission, headed by Prof Ali Riaz, has recommended significant changes to our current constitution.

2w ago

Neoliberal education, student rebellion, and institutional stability

Students play a crucial role as change agents, but their activism should focus on systemic improvements instead of individual retribution.

4w ago

From crisis to change: The right education can sustain the revolution

Standing on the isthmus of change, we must avoid any form of myopia.

1m ago

Citizens, too, must step up to ensure our food security

The liberalisation of trade has changed the agricultural heart of our nation.

1m ago

Martyred Intellectuals Day / Martyrs and memory

We should use Martyred Intellectuals Day as an opportunity to meaningfully engage with their memories.

1m ago

As the world changes, so must our English education

English is not a colonial relic but a necessity. It is the language of the internet, social media, and global culture.

1m ago

Shaking of the ground

The series of earthquakes is a grim reminder that we should never let our guard down against nature.

1y ago

The Ideological Elephant in the NCTB Textbooks

The newly introduced textbooks for Grades 1, 6 and 7, prepared by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB), have created quite a stir.

2y ago

Welcome to the Machine

The pressure to write more, become more visible, master more, and claim mastery over issues beyond one’s discipline or format can make one seek shortcuts.

2y ago

Afterthoughts on Dhaka Lit Fest

Is it possible for art to be an ally in promoting the climate conversation?

2y ago

Parting thoughts for 2022

Can you define 2022 in one word? A word that captures the mood and the mode of a year that’s passed?

2y ago

Supporting a team so far away

The curious case of Bangladeshi supporters taking up sides in the football feud between Brazil and Argentina has caught the attention of international media.

2y ago

Coping with the mystery of Fardin's death

We can do justice to Fardin’s memory by creating a system that makes sense.

2y ago

From Grading to De-grading

We need to change the mindset of grade glorification.

2y ago

Hatirjheel: A City Respite

One of the pleasures of my daily commute to work is experiencing the lakefront at Hatirjheel.

2y ago

'Hypocrite reader – my twin – my brother!'

Qatar's hosting of the FIFA World Cup has created a storm of controversy in Western media

2y ago