

Humour / The art of voicing opinions nobody asked for

We have devised a foolproof way you can share your unsolicited input with the world without any holdups.

10m ago

How to dodge intrusive questions from relatives this Eid

It's not uncommon in our culture for relatives to inquire about your employment status, marriage plans, and even your weight.

1y ago

Humour / People you see at Banijjo Mela

If the Met Gala is the pinnacle of western fashion, Banijjo Mela is its Bangladeshi counterpart.

1y ago

SATIRE / New Fast and Furious movie to feature Bangladeshi highway buses

Finally, the recklessness in the Bangladeshi highway system is getting recognised.

1y ago

Humour / 5 stages of grief as my Instagram gets suspended

With Instagram accounts getting suspended, panic set in globally.

1y ago

Satire / Two groups of students clash at university ranking celebration

What started as a celebration soon turned into tragedy.

1y ago

Humour / Types of people you see in a university cafeteria

We are now entering the cafeteria of Bidirectional University.

1y ago

Humour / A guide to befriending your sleep paralysis demon

What if rather than giving in to the demon, you decided to throw it a curveball by attempting to make it your friend instead?

1y ago

Why second visits are better

First visits to any holiday destination can be great. However, quite often on the first visit, people run into unanticipated hurdles.

5y ago

How a 10 step skincare routine video changed my life

The one thing about being a teenager I absolutely hated was the explosion of acne all over my face. Worrying about my skin and why it could not be as perfect as the models' on magazines was something that fed into my insecurities about myself. Even a few years ago, YouTube and YouTubers were not the big deal that they are today so I did not know

5y ago

People at Art Exhibitions

Which category of gallery-goers do you fall under?

5y ago


If you're reading this article, there are two possible reasons why you might be doing that. Either 1) you're only here to have some laughs and/or relate to your own situation, or 2) you have just gotten enrolled into a university and you are curious to know if your campus seniors are really machines with an impressive output of academic notes or 'sensible' advisors.

5y ago

An open letter to sleep

See, the thing is, you are probably confused. Do not worry, I am not blaming you. I know it is me; I keep confusing you. What I am trying to tell you is that during the weekdays I really need to sleep early because the devil created those 8 AM classes and unfortunately, I have to attend them. So I need you to cooperate with me.

5y ago

Struggles of the Bollywood Obsessed

For those of us who are swept up in the world of Bollywood, we live for the dance numbers, the dramatic monologues and montages of flashback sequences accompanied by emotionally exploitative music. The harsh truth of reality is that life doesn't exactly pan out like a Bollywood movie. As Bollywood fans, we have to go through certain struggles

5y ago

Weird demands your faculty members make

We have all heard the stories our seniors told us about how amazing university life is. How the torture ends after college, how university life is all about hanging out with friends, attending concerts and sitting in a coffee shop with friends and drinking overpriced and overhyped beverages.

5y ago

People as pitha

With the Bangladeshi winter rearing its humid, stagnant, cold head (seriously, you just won't feel it until you move) closer to our faces, you will notice a certain variety of localised rice cake that nearly every Bangladeshi loves to gorge themselves with.

5y ago

Understanding people from the way they code

This article will help you decode yourself.

5y ago

Stages of deciding where to eat

Deciding on restaurants has proven to be a neverending struggle.

5y ago
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