Bangladesh National Budget FY2024-25

Tk 7,97,000 crore budget passed in parliament

The parliament today passed the Tk 7,97,000 crore national budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year with the aim of achieving 6.75 percent GDP growth rate and keeping annual inflation at around six percent

Budget ambitious, but achievable: Ficci

But extra duty and tax on telecom, carbonated beverages, water purifiers to hurt potential FDI, it said.

Power Grid gets large sums as govt prioritises transmission, distribution

In Bangladesh, the power generation capacity increased to 30,277 megawatts in 2023-24 from 4,942 MW in 2009, said Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali in his budget speech.

Textile, garment makers urge govt to reconsider their demands

Textile millers and garment makers in Bangladesh yesterday demanded that the government include some of their recommendations in the new national budget as many of the issues they raised remain unaddressed.

Power gets a third of Tk 108,240cr subsidies

More than a third of the subsidies allocated in the new budget is for the power sector due to what experts say is the huge spending on capacity charges.

Who will actually have to pay 30 percent income tax?

What is a progressive tax system? Well, it means that the income tax rate climbs up as the income increases. But that still doesn't mean that the raised income tax rate will apply for the entirety of someone's income

An uninspiring budget proposal

It fails to commit to reforms and address people’s sufferings

Cut in agri subsidy will hurt farmers

Economists say allocation for the agriculture sector in the new budget is inadequate, and it will not only hurt farmers but may also affect food production.

Implementing Budget For 2024-25: It’ll be challenging

Implementation of the new budget will be highly challenging in the current context of the Bangladesh economy, Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) said in a post-budget reaction yesterday.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Whitening Black Money: ‘Unethical, unjust and unacceptable’

Backtracking on its promise to eliminate black money, the government has once again made room to allow both individuals and companies to whiten money without facing scrutiny and by paying a 15 percent tax, a move that drew sharp criticism from economists and civil society.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

AL manifesto: Budget passes over some key promises

In its first proposed budget after assuming power for a fourth consecutive term, the Awami League government skirted round some of the promises the party made in its election manifesto for the January 7 parliamentary polls.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Budget at a glance

Budget at a glance

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Social Safety Net: Share of the poor dwarfed by others

Under the FY24-25 social safety net programme of Bangladesh, the pension for retired government employees and savings scheme interest payments account for nearly the same allocation as social assistance for the poor, the old and the disaster-struck.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Bad loans hit historic high

Default loans in the banking sector of Bangladesh hit an all-time high of Tk 182,295 crore, but no reform programme to reduce it has been announced in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

A fresh blow to stock investors

In yet another blow to stock market investors, the government plans to impose a capital gains tax on them from next fiscal year.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Breakdown of money spent over 13 years

The food ministry spent less in fiscal 2022-2023 compared to fiscal 2009-2010, according to data on expenditure over the last 13 years.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Allocation for transport, energy drops slightly

The government has slightly reduced the allocations for transport and power and energy compared to the outgoing fiscal year.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

Tax burden to get heavier, life even harder

The tax measures unveiled yesterday for 2024-25 are not going to provide any relief to taxpayers.

June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024

No ray of hope for taxpayers

While the cost of living remains high, with the inflation rate hovering at over 9 percent throughout the year, no ray of hope came for the common people in the budget declared yesterday. This is upsetting for the low and middle-income groups of society. 

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