Is it possible to escape from the seduction of smartphones?

The bug of relentless connectivity to some world or the other has infected us, and there seems to be no cure.

1d ago

World leaders are disconnected from the youth

Student protestors are calling out the double standards of Western powers

3w ago

Kindness gives life its biggest dividends

The history of civilisation has shown that humans survive when they are part of a community.

2m ago

The poor’s debt burden gets heavier

The vicious cycle of taking loans to pay bills and then taking another loan to pay off the first loan may continue throughout their lives, with little or no real improvement in their living standards.

2m ago

Opinion / A glimpse into the crazy, irrational mind of a woman

Women are crazy because they set the bar ridiculously high for themselves, with no thought of self-preservation.

3m ago

How entitled are you?

Entitlement is a bad habit that few of us can escape.

4m ago

When the mind gets foggier than the weather

There is an explanation, however infuriating, to each of the delightful conundrums in public work.

4m ago

Images you cannot unsee

We will remember the faces of the smiling Gazan children and their families in the photos—the faces of people who have been wiped out for no fault of their own.

6m ago

The consistent chaos that is Dhaka airport

Airports are the most fascinating places in the world. This forced congregation of total strangers from all corners of the world, rushing off to destinations as exotic as Zanzibar or Casablanca—isn’t it just wonderful?

2y ago

Our children will be our saviours

Is it really 2022? How did 2021 go so fast? Was it because we had such high expectations and ended up facing one daunting catastrophe after another, that we didn’t realise that the days had turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into a whole year?

2y ago

‘I’m not a wall that divides. I’m a crack in that wall.’

Feminist icon, educator, and author Kamla Bhasin passed away on September 25, 2021, at the age of 75. The Daily Star pays tribute to her rich legacy by reprinting an interview first published in 2016.

2y ago

Victim blaming is a crime. Who are its abettors?

It would have gone unnoticed as another suicide of a heart-broken young woman, a forgettable statistic among the thousands of desperate individuals taking their own lives to escape some harsh reality or the other.

3y ago

Airborne transmissions could be the next new battle

The latest report in The Lancet, one of the most well-known international medical journals, on how Covid-19 spreads, is a real shocker.

3y ago

Are we looking at a hug-less world?

I have to confess, one of the most frustrating things I have had to face during The Year of Covid-19 is having to restrain myself from hugging people.

3y ago

The MP’s words are an insult to all women

One would think it to be the rantings of a madman had it not been the words of a parliamentarian—that feminists are to blame for the rape incidents across the country.

3y ago

Has the Noakhali gang rape shaken us enough?

By now, many people have already watched the video. Others could only stomach the transcript, also shared on social media.

3y ago

Air travel in the time of corona is surreal

I don’t know why I was expecting that I would not be fazed at embarking on a journey across the Atlantic at a time when just stepping out of my bedroom had the potential to kill me.

3y ago

A distressfully uncertain future created by the latest US foreign student guideline

Monday July 6 proved to arrive with ominous news for international students studying in the US, some of them still in the US, others back home for the summer as well as those who were scheduled to start university this fall.

3y ago
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